Passport: Provides Helping Hand to Clinical Rotation Programs
careLearning’s Passport Program is helping nearly 40,000 Clinical Rotation students meet their compliance education requirements prior to reporting to their healthcare site. These collaborations across states, regions, and cities allow students go through one consolidated online orientation program approved by the hosting healthcare organizations.
careLearning is also helping hundreds of schools and hospitals with the major challenges involved in orienting the students quickly, efficiently, and early. Passport can enhance success by lowering resource costs for healthcare organizations, consolidating orientation requirements, and providing completion information to all stakeholders.
careLearning provides the compliance and regulatory courses and healthcare organizations can create additional content to provide information specific to their sites. Full reporting is available to students, schools, and healthcare organizations. Passport also allows tracking of non-educational requirements, such as background checks, health screenings, vaccinations, and licensure information.
With Passport, students and healthcare organizations save time during the general orientation process, allowing them to concentrate on applying their knowledge. Since Passport’s online content is always consistent, up to date, and convenient, everyone can be confident that orientation requirements have been met. The best part? There is no cost to the schools or healthcare facilities. Students pay $10.00 per year – paid either through student fees or through self-pay directly on the Passport site.
For information contact Ray Shackelford at